
Showing posts from 2019

Tutorial: Making your first Pull Request. How to do it?

Contributing to open source project is a great way to enhance your skills. Not only you learn how to write quality code that actually goes into production you also learn how to work collaboratively with other developers. There are many platforms where open source projects are being hosted by many open source organizations. Most famous of them all is GitHub . Other famous platforms are Gitlab and Bitbucket . In this blog post I will describe the correct way to open a pull request so that you don’t run into several issues. What is Pull Request? Pull request in simple terms a patch of code that is sent to original code base for review. Maintainers of the project will review your pull request and merge it into original code base if everything is perfect. Is it tough to open a pull request? No, not at all. It is quite simple to start. It just takes you to come with correct code changes, do a code commit and then send it along to original project for review. Then why this blog

ToDo Application boilerplates using VueJS and Hasura-GraphQL-Engine

GraphQL has gained popularity in recent years due to easiness and flexibility it offers in developing client applications. Applications built with GraphQL APIs are easy to develop and maintain. In this blog post we willbuild a todo application using VueJS and Hasura-GraphQL-Engine . Hasura provides real-time graphql for postgres databases. We will go into details of how to use each component and building an application from it. What is Hasura-GraphQL-Engine? Hasura-graphql-engine provides a real-time graphql on your postgres databases. This allows you to develop awesome applications without worrying about backend. To see all the features hasura provides visit this link. Hasura graphql engine also provides you with GUI where you can run your graphql queries and edit your database tables. Before we start with our vue application we need to setup hasura graphql engine that will provide us with a graphql api endpoint. Setting up Hasura-GraphQL-Engine   Setting up Hasura g

Developing a Google Data Studio Connector: Part 3

This is part 3 of "Developing a Google Data Studio Connector". If you haven't read previous two posts I recommend you to go back and read those posts. That will give you an idea of data studio connector and you will feel confident following this tutorial. So lets start coding our connector. Step 1: Define getAuthType Function  In you app script file start by getAuthType function. Since we will be accessing public API of GitHub so we will be using no authorization tool. We will pass NONE as the required authorization type. Read more about it here . Here is the code snippet:  getAuthType function Step 2: Defining getConfig Function Next we will define getConfig() function. Since we will be comparing the GitHub profiles so we add a input field to add the GitHub usernames. Here is the documentation on how to use getConfig() . getConfig function Here config object is obtained from the connector. And then we define a newTextInput(). This makes a new

Developing a Google Data Studio Connector: Part 2

In part 1 of this tutorial we learnt about what Data Studio is and How to use it. In this tutorial we will kickstart development of our own data studio connector. So let's begin. What are the requirements? A Google account Knowledge of JavaScript A little information on how to use data studio to create visualizations. What is the goal? Data Studio Community Connectors enable direct connections from Data Studio to any internet accessible data source. Here we will be building a simple connector that connects to public GitHub APIs and compares two users data. We will then create visualizations to analyze the GitHub profiles. Step 1: Create a project on AppScript We will use AppScript to write code for our community connector. AppScript makes it easy to deploy our connector and debug it. Visit AppScript and click on New Script to create a new script file. It will open a new project. Rename the project and remove all the contents of file. We will start wr

Developing a Google Data Studio Connector : Part 1

Hello Everyone!! Recently I was asked to develop a Google Data Studio connector & honestly I had no idea what this awesome tool is. So I explored this awesome product by Google, used it and learnt how I can develop a connector for my own needs. It may sound confusing what all these terms mean here :p so don't worry, I am going to explain a step by step tutorial on how to develop your own data studio connector. So we will start from this post and I will introduce you to what is data studio and how this awesome tool works. What is Data Studio? Well, many of you may be knowing about this so you can skip this part and move on to next part. So, data studio is a tool developed by Google (yes, google always comes to your rescue :p) through which you can visualize your data. You can choose from a wide range of options like table, pie chart, time series chart, bar chart, scatter plot etc. the list is long. You can create reports and share them with your team and visualize the