Competitive Programming

Hey, you might be wondering what is competitive programming that you often hear about. If yes, you have landed up at right place. Here we will be answering few general questions related to it in FAQ form.

                                    1.   What is competitive programming?

As wikipedia reads it, competitive programming is a mind sport that is held online where participants try to write code to a particular problem  according to given specified output and constraints.

                                    2. Where does this happen?

Ther are various online websites where you can be part of competitive programmers community such as SPOJ, HackerRank, Codechef, Codeforces etc. So if you want to start just go to any of these sites and start practicing problems. If you want to start by learning and doing than i would suggest you to visit : Codebuddy or Hackerearth. They are good sites and contains good tutorials and practice problems.

                                   3. How do I begin?

Well, if you want to start off then you must know at least one programming languages such as C, C++, Java, Python etc. So that you can write code for a particular problem.

                                  4. Which language to choose?

Well, again there if no biasing towards any particular language to use, but as you go deeper into concepts you face problem of TIME LIMIT in problems, and here one language can prove to be better than others. So as general people prefer C++ over any other language and it has short codes and and its processing time is quite less than other languages.

                                  5. Where to start?

Start from simpler problems and as you develop confidence, learn new concepts related to different problems, and use them. There are many resources available online.

                                  6. I am not from CS background. Can i do it?

There is no particular thing that only a CS/IT person can do it. But you will be understanding things easily if you are from CS background. But if you love it, then do it.

                                  7. Is there any recognition or competition at world level?

Yes, you get recognition from your peers as well as world if you perform good at these platforms.
And not to forget there are plenty of competitions held world wide on competitive programming.
Some of famous competitions are ACM-ICPC, also known as Olympics of coding, Google Code-Jam etc.

These are some general doubts that people feel when they think of competitive programming. However if you feel something missing here then let us know in comments section below. We would love to help you out.


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